
The UHS report

Awareness of Student Health Advisory Council Has Increased. Awareness of SHAC has increased since 1992. Only 16% of students surveyed in 1992 had heard of SHAC compared to 32% in 1999.

Number of Students with a PCP Has Increased. The number of students with a primary care physician (or a provider that they generally see when possible) has increased from 1992 to 1999 (48% vs. 66% respectively).

Students Are Less Aware that They Can Charge Prescription Filling to the Term Bill. Undergraduates in 1999 were less aware that prescription filling at HUHS. Pharmacy can be charged to your term bill without disclosure of the drugs/items purchased than they were in 1992. This number has decreased from 78% aware in 1992 to 39% aware in 1999.

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F. Recommendations

As mentioned earlier, it is clear that HUHS has made some improvements over the past few years that have had a positive impact on students' overall satisfaction with HUMS. To continue on this path, HUHS must improve access to care, boost staff morale, educate students to plan benefits, and encourage students to have a PCP. In executing these recommendations it is

important to keep in mind that while one department may be primarily responsible for executing the recommendations, they will only be successful if all departments work together to meet these goals.

Improve Access to Care. Students complain of long waits to get appointments as well as to see a physician once they arrive for a scheduled appointment. To the extent that it is possible, additional clinicians would ease the waiting time. Furthermore, if a health care provider is

aware that he/she is running behind schedule, an effort should be made to contact students to inform them of the delay. Any consideration of this nature shown to a student should help to increase satisfaction.

Boost Staff Morale. Offer customer service training to the receptionists. HUHS should continue to encourage receptionists to be helpful, informative, and polite to students.

Encourage students to have a PCP. Students who have a PCP are more satisfied overall with HUHS than those who do not. Therefore, HUHS should continue to make every effort to foster relationships between PCPs and students.

Educate Students to Plan Benefits and Encourage Use. Benefit information could be placed on the HUHS website or a mass mailing of pamphlets and informational material

could be done to increase awareness.

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