
The UHS report

The majority of students who do not have a PCP expressed dissatisfaction with the receptionists. This is perhaps because more of a dialogue is required between those

students without a PCP and receptionists when making an appointment or calling with questions.

Administrative Services. Students gave low ratings to the services provided by HUHS Member Services Department. For example, roughly half rated the ease of getting claims problems resolved (51 %) and the ease getting your questions answered, or problems solved regarding eligibility and services covered (46%) either "fair" or "poor."

Knowledge of Plan Benefits. 63% of students reported the availability of information from your plan about covered services and cost of care to be either "fair" or "poor."

Furthermore, only 22% agree with the statement "I understand my benefits under the Student Health Plan."


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D. Other Findings

While many students are aware of the existence of HUHS sponsored services, very few students have used them.

Eighty-three percent have made at least one visit to HUHS in the past year and. 64% made two or more. Students are prompted to visit because of minor health problems such as the flu or colds, routine check-ups, and emergency care needs.

E. Comparisons to Previous Studies

University Health Services commissioned research among undergraduates in 1992 and Harvard University's faculty and staff in 1997. Due to different methodologies and question wording, not all questions can be directly compared from year to year. That said, there are a few overarching trends worth noting.

Areas Of Improvement

Levels of Overall Satisfaction with HUHS Have Improved. The level of

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