Women are more likely to be frequent visitors than men are (29% versus 15%).
Page 11 B. Satisfaction of Services Overall While a small majority of students seem generally satisfied with HUHS health care overall, four out of ten students surveyed are dissatisfied, and few are willing to give HUHS a rating of "excellent." When asked how they would rate their satisfaction with HUHS health care overall, the majority of students (58%) gave HUHS a rating of "good" or better. However, only 3% offered a rating of "excellent." Also troubling is that 41% of students are dissatisfied with HUHS health care (27% rated overall care to be "fair," and 14% rating it "poor.") Regardless of how frequently students visit, their level of dissatisfaction with HUHS remains consistent. Individuals who do not have a PCP are less satisfied (53% "poor" or "fair" combined) than those who do have a PCP (35%). While we cannot through statistical analysis determine what drives satisfaction, we can determine which of the variety of factors tested are correlated with satisfaction. It is interesting to note that the factors most strongly correlated with overall satisfaction tend to be care related. Office practices and administrative issues are also significantly correlated, but to a lesser degree. Page 12 Not surprisingly, overall satisfaction is most strongly correlated with "the extent to which your concerns were addressed by the physician or nurse practitioner," "the focus and clarity of the treatment plan provided to you by the physician or nurse practitioner," "your physician or nurse practitioner's explanation of your illness," "how much you were helped by the care you received", and satisfaction with physicians and nurse practitioners." Read more in NewsRecommended Articles