
The UHS report

Two interesting findings emerge from the subgroup analysis (See Data Tables, furnished under a separate cover). First of all, students who have a PCP are more satisfied with the care provided by doctors, nurse practitioners and health assistants

than those who do not have a PCP. Secondly, those who are satisfied with their health care provider are more apt to be satisfied overall with HUHS than are those who are less satisfied with their health care provider. These findings illustrate the impact having a PCP has on overall satisfaction with HUMS.

Convenience. In response to an open-ended question addressing what students liked best about HUMS, 56% responded that the best thing about the service is the convenience it offers.

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C. Primary Concerns

Delays. Students who rated their overall satisfaction with HUHS less than "very good" indicated that delays were a primary cause of dissatisfaction (42%). Delays are also a major factor in students' dissatisfaction with After Hours Urgent Care, Mental Health Services, and Specialty Services.

Delays occur at all stages in the process of care:

In trying to get through to a receptionist to make an appointment;

In the length of time between making an appointment and the day of the visit;

In waiting for care once they have arrived for a scheduled appointment; and,

In waiting for care in an emergency situation.

Poor Care/Misdiagnoses. Students who rated their overall satisfaction with HUHS less than "very good" complain of misdiagnoses, poor attitudes of providers, and poor, incomplete, or rushed care. Over one-third (36%) of students said that misdiagnoses were the source of their dissatisfaction when rating HUHS overall care. These students are disproportionately likely to be dissatisfied ("poor" or "fair") overall care.

Receptionists. Students report having difficulty with the receptionists at HUMS. In fact, 39% rated their satisfaction with the receptionists to be either "fair" or "poor" and 35% rated the courtesy and respect shown to you by the receptionists to be "fair" or "poor."

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