
The UHS report

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C. Satisfaction with Providers

Students are generally satisfied with HUHS health care providers, but are less so with receptionists. Students are particularly satisfied with their physicians, indicated by nearly 80% rating their satisfaction as "good" or better. Roughly 70% of students rated nurse practitioners and health assistants to be at least "good." Even though the majority of students rated their satisfaction with the receptionists (61 %) "good" or better, nearly 40% claim to be dissatisfied, offering a rating of"poor" or "fair."

"[My doctor] is wonderful. She is one of the best doctors I have ever had. However, I had a very negative experience with the rest of the staff. I have experienced everything from a doctor obviously not listening to me to extreme rudeness by receptionists."

"I felt like I knew more about health than the nurse practitioner did when we met. "


"My experience with UHS over the last 12 months has been overwhelmingly positive. However, this is largely because of a change in my primary care physician. "

Of the students who gave a rating of "poor" or "fair" to HUHS care overall, 42% reported dissatisfaction with their physicians, 52% were dissatisfied with nurse practitioners and health assistants, and 61% were dissatisfied with the receptionists.

Students who have a PCP tend to be more satisfied with their physicians, nurse practitioners, and health assistants than those who do not have a PCP.

Students who do not have a PCP (52% rated receptionists "fair" or "poor") are more dissatisfied with the receptionists than are those who do have a PCP (39%).

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D. Personal Experience with Health Care and Administrative Services

Health Care

Students were asked to evaluate their own recent experiences with HUHS health care. Office practices, and administrative services. Students are pleased with their experiences with doctors and nurse practitioners, but have negative attitudes about the ease of getting referrals to specialists and getting their phone calls about their health answered.

Nearly two-thirds of students rated overall quality of care and services to be "good" or better. However, a solid third (34%) rated the quality of care and services to be "fair" or "poor." Only 7% rated the care to be "excellent."

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