
The UHS report

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Best Features of HUHS

When asked what they like best about HUHS, more than half of the students noted the convenience of HUHS. Other aspects of HUHS that students like best are the ease of making appointments (13%) and their specific doctor or clinician (12%).

A similar pattern emerges when comparing satisfaction with the After Hours Urgent Care Clinic and HUHS heath care services overall. Over half of the respondents (57%) rated the After Hours Urgent Care "good" or better. However, nearly half of the students (42%) gave the clinic a rating of "fair" or "poor." Less than 10% were willing to rate it "excellent."


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Again, dissatisfaction stems from delays/waiting (49%), misdiagnoses (22%), poor attitudes of providers (18%), and poor, incomplete, or rushed care (18%). Students had the following to say about their After Hours Urgent Care Clinic experiences which illustrate the reasons for their dissatisfaction:

"They didn't take my situation seriously / not a big enough emergency."

"Staff unprofessional / inattentive."

Mental Health Services

While students rated the Mental Health Services provided by HUHS generally high, roughly a third (36%) rated it either "fair" or "poor." Furthermore, only 10% deemed Mental Health Services to be "excellent." Reasons for dissatisfaction with Mental Health Services remain consistent with other care services: poor, incomplete, rushed care (33%), delays (27%), and poor attitudes of providers (18%). Misdiagnoses (14%) are less of a problem in Mental Health Services when compared to other services, but are still a barrier to student satisfaction.

In response to an open-ended question about what prevents students from being more satisfied, some wrote:

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