

Student Life

It Takes Two: Fire Door Friends

Kirkland House roommates Kathleen J. Koenigs ’15 and Nosipho D. “Dichaba” McGinty ’15 met across their freshman fire door. Their friendship is a testament to the fact that, though mostly utilized for eavesdropping, a thin fire door occasionally provides more than just fodder for resentment—it can be the key to finding a best friend.

Eddie Izzard
On Campus

10 Questions with Eddie Izzard

On February 20. British comedian and self identified executive transvestite Eddie Izzard spoke at Harvard’s Memorial Church to accept the Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Cultural Humanism presented by The HSS Cultural Humanism committee at Harvard. Dressed in his signature drag as he sits with me after the event, Izzard sips a glass of wine and cracks open pistachios with long fingernails painted a bright shade of red. A couple of designs on his nails stand out.

Fifteen Questions


Lawrence G. Wright is known for his controvercial work on al-Qaeda and Scientology

Fifteen Questions

15Q: Lawrence G. Wright

Lawrence G. Wright has traveled all over the world, but he still speaks with a Texas twang. On Jan. 31, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author spoke at the Brattle Square Theatre about his latest book, “Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, & the Prison of Belief.” Between several book talks and a trip to London, FM caught up with Wright over the phone to ask him about his career and the controversies surrounding his new book.

Visual Arts

Ten Question with Ken L. Burns

On a cold Wednesday afternoon, FM sat down in Harvard’s Center for the Environment with internationally renowned documentary filmmaker Ken L. Burns, who was visiting Harvard to promote his new film, “The Dust Bowl,” a historical account of the ecological disasters of the 1930s.

Adam B. Kern

Adam B. Kern

Adam B. Kern stands in front of a classroom of inmates at the Suffolk County House of Correction, presenting five aspects of David Hume’s argument on the existence of free will.


It Takes Two: Aron Zingman and Jackie E. Stenson

Aron Zingman and Jackie E. Stenson, co-tutors in Cabot House, have been dating for the last two and a half years. Last summer, they took a two and a half-week motorcycle road trip together, traversing Scandinavia’s harsh terrain.

For The Moment

Hey Professor! Infinite Jest

Andrew Warren, Assistant Professor of English, has taught English 90we: “David Foster Wallace and Environs,” a class that plays special...

In The Meantime

It Takes Two: Laurent Rivard '14 and Christian Webster '13

My first year, he was the guy I was competing with. I was competing with him, but I was also learning a lot from him.

Pottery Pro
For The Moment

Scoped!: William S. Murphy '13

In 15 years you are: trying to reclaim the soul I lost to the corporate world. Kidding. Not kidding.

"Grand"iose Laughs
In The Meantime

It Takes Two: William V. Bergstrom ’13 and Anne-Marit Bergstrom

In 2004, William V. Bergstrom ’13 wrote a creative essay for an English class which he later published as a picture book. His grandmother, Anne-Marit “Mumsel” Bergstrom illustrated the book, called “The Magic Telescope.”

Hey Professor: Laurence Tribe

Hey, Laurence H. Tribe ’62: Carl M. Loeb Professor of Constitutional Law

On Feb. 7, Proposition 8, a Calif. provision that banned same-sex marriage, was deemed unconstitutional by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Does this ruling mean that the panel is upholding the constitutionality of same-sex marriage? If not, why does the Ninth Circuit panel stop short of declaring same-sex marriage constitutional?
