

Bruce Mann Portrait
Fifteen Questions

Fifteen Questions: Bruce H. Mann on Legal History, Studying Debt, and Owning Golden Retrievers

Legal Historian Bruce Mann sat down with FM to discuss socratic teaching, the pervasiveness of debt, and supporting his wife, Senator Elizabeth Warren, on the campaign trail.

Zoe Hitzig Portrait

Zoë Hitzig is Generative and Intelligent. Is She Artificial?

Much like a large language model, the Zoë Hitzig available by Google search is so prolifically published that she seems capable of writing something about anything — from poetry to economics to philosophy — almost instantaneously.

Zoe Hitzig Portrait

Zoe Hitzig Portrait

Vera Mironova Photo

Vera Mironova: A Scholar at the Frontlines of War

Mironova’s work takes her to the center of war. A scholar of armed conflict, she has embedded with military units around the world, including in Iraq and Ukraine.

Vera Mironova Photo

Vera Mironova Photo

“The goal of my scholarship would be to better understand war through individual behavior in conflict,” Mironova says.

.Maya Jasanoff 15Q Portrait
Fifteen Questions

Fifteen Questions during the Solar Eclipse: Maya Jasanoff on the British Empire, Joseph Conrad, and Judging The Booker Prize

The history professor talked with Fifteen Minutes during the solar eclipse about being in a family of academics, postcolonial literature, and reading.

Maya Jasanoff Eclipse 15Q Picture
Fifteen Questions

Maya Jasanoff Eclipse 15Q Picture

The trees began to sway and the bushes gently rustled as a breeze came over the courtyard. The shadows lost their strength.

Michael Ferguson Portrait

Exploring Neurospirituality with Michael Ferguson

To Michael Ferguson, contemplating spirituality in both the chapel and the laboratory makes his experience of religion more rich.

Michael Ferguson Portrait

Michael Ferguson Portrait

Annette Gordon-Reed CC Photo

Annette Gordon-Reed CC Photo

Annette Gordon-Reed Courtesy Photo

Fifteen Questions: Annette Gordon-Reed on Book Banning, Originalism, and ‘Hamilton’

The Harvard Law School professor Annette Gordon-Reed sat down with FM to talk about history and the law, book banning, and musicals.

Annette Gordon-Reed Courtesy Photo

Annette Gordon-Reed Courtesy Photo

Jazz Jennings Portrait

Jazz Jennings Portrait

Jennings grew up in the spotlight. Starting at age six, when Barbara Walters interviewed her and her family on “20/20,” Jennings has been publicly sharing her experience growing up transgender. Now, Jazz is just a normal Harvard student, who also happens to make mermaid tails.

Adam Aleksic photo

For Linguistics Influencer Adam V. Aleksic ’23, Language is Political

One of the Internet’s first and only “linguistics influencers,” Aleksic, who works under the handle @etymologynerd, spends his time post-graduation traveling the world and creating videos about etymology for an audience of over 1.3 million across TikTok and Instagram.

Adam Aleksic photo

Adam Aleksic photo

Aleksic’s videos range from silly, like a deep dive into whether the past-tense of “yeet” is “yeeted” or “yote” (spoiler: it’s “yate”), to informative, like an explanation of “Why Gender is a Linguistic Construct.” Aleksic not only embraces Internet slang but gives it thoughtful, thorough linguistic analysis.
