Editors' Choice
An aliebn Among Us
This week, FM chats with Jonathan F. Sun, an MIT graduate student, illustrator, and author best known for his Twitter persona "jomny sun" (jonnysun).
15 Very Earnest Minutes with the Crimson Consulting Club
"It’s students like you who have changed my entire perspective on the world, but aside from that, motivated me on a daily basis, making me reflect on my entire life."
Cherry Pits
The window curtains flutter—apricot-colored like the scent on the breeze—and a few leaves fly in. We’re six floors up; there’s no elevator. My great-grandmother hasn’t left this room in seven years.
Operation Match
In 1965, two Harvard students created the very first computer-based matchmaking service in the United States. They called it Operation Match.
Listen, I Don’t Think It Was Unreasonable For Me To Wear My Latex Bodysuit to Adult Night at Legoland
I assumed we were all here for the same reason—to capital-D Discover the power of sensual touch against the backdrop of thousands of tiny plastic bricks.
Comb My Hair And Pour The Wine
It’s a type of feminine infrastructure, a commons without tragedy.
Hebrew Bible's Fall from Grace
And the LORD said, I will destroy the General Education I have created and the covetous section kids who seek to raise their sad GPAs from the dust of the earth.
Talking Punk Rock at Schlesinger Library
Hothead Paisan, Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist, isn’t your everyday comic-book hero. And “Altered Gazes,” the Schlesinger Library exhibition in which this 1991 comic is featured, is not your everyday collection.
Give a Shit
Pooping is a part of life everywhere, but I get the sense that here, it’s a lifestyle.
Teen Mag Quiz: Are You Really Playing Devil's Advocate?
Are you the worst....or are you the literal devil?
7,000 Under 30
“Do you have a LinkedIn?” one concert-goer yells at a girl. She nods. Both whip out their smartphones and add each other.
‘Education Not Deportation’: Professors Under Arrest
“There weren’t a lot of question marks,” a professor says. “People knew what to expect.”