
How Mayor Gallucio Triumphed: Underdog to Top Dog

Galluccio's father served on the School Committee while Galluccio himself attended the Cambridge public schools.

"He's gone through Cambridge public schools, so he'll be good leading the School Committee," Duehay says.


Galluccio's experience as a Cambridge native and his know-how of the city and its schools already seems to be paying off.

In one of his first acts as mayor, Galluccio helped to broker a solution to the longstanding standoff between the teachers' union and the school district.

The main teachers contract expired more than five months ago. Last Wednesday night, Galluccio sat down with representatives from both sides to work out an agreement.

"I want to settle this contract tonight," he says he told them.

By 7 a.m. the next morning, agreements for the financial and contractual pieces of the contract had been agreed upon.

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