
How Mayor Gallucio Triumphed: Underdog to Top Dog

For Davis, this was an "unbelievable moment of conflict," as she had to decide whether to fulfill her promise to Galluccio.

"Were those two votes real?" she said. "Promises of votes had been used in previous ballots to prevent a majority from forming for one candidate or another. Was this just another of those ploys?"


Braude had similiar doubts.

"I thought it was an iffy proposition," he says, referring to whether Born would retain the support needed to be elected.

In the end, however, Davis decided that going back on her word "was simply too high a price."

"I felt it would contribute to a nasty atmosphere on the council, already too full of mistrust for the good of the city," she said.

"Throughout this weeks-long process, Anthony had been forthright and direct with me," Davis added. "I felt I owed him the same honorable treatment."

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