
How Mayor Gallucio Triumphed: Underdog to Top Dog

After returning to council business in which the Linear Park petition was passed, another recess was called at 12:50 a.m. before the final mayoral vote.

During the recess, Galluccio approached Sullivan, asking him for his vote.

"He had the votes, and he asked me for my vote," Sullivan says. Sullivan agreed to throw his support behind Galluccio as well.


"[Sullivan] handled things in a very cool and gentlemanly-like manner," Galluccio says.

Sullivan's lone supporter, Maher, told Galluccio in the second week of November that he would also support him if he amassed four votes.

"I would not prevent him from being mayor," Maher says. "I wouldn't go back on my word."

The stage was set for the final round of voting, which finally took place at 1:20 a.m.

The votes all fell in place as planned, as Braude, Davis, Maher and Sullivan switched their support to Galluccio, giving him a 6-3 victory.

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