
How Mayor Gallucio Triumphed: Underdog to Top Dog

In November, Galluccio topped the field for the second consecutive election, with 2,640 first place votes.

Councillors Jim Braude, Marjorie C. Decker and David P. Maher were also elected to the council for the first time.

With the election complete, councillors began maneuvering for the mayor's seat.


On the left--in Cambridge political terms--stood Cambridge Civic Association (CCA) councillors Kathleen L. Born, Henrietta Davis and Braude, as well as unaffiliated progressives Decker and Kenneth E. Reeves '72, a former two-term mayor.

On the more conservative but still left-of-center side stood Independent councillors Galluccio, Maher, Michael A. Sullivan and Timothy P. Toomey, Jr.

Born's High Hopes

Born, entering her fourth term on the council, hoped to follow in the footsteps of her self-described mentor, Duehay.

And when the council took its first mayoral vote at its Jan. 3 inauguration, Born seemed to be well on her way, as she received four votes--hers, and those of Braude, Davis and Decker.

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