
How Mayor Gallucio Triumphed: Underdog to Top Dog

At another marathon meeting Friday night, Galluccio and Cambridge Teachers Association President Roger O'Sullivan hammered out an agreement for the city's only public high school, Cambridge Rindge and Latin, making the negotiations complete.

"It was a pretty exciting and challenging experience for my third day on the job," Galluccio says.

A Conservative in Cambridge?


While Galluccio has shown he can ably lead the School Committee in his short time on the job, concerns still exist about his positions on other issues such as rent control and development.

In the context of exceedingly liberal Cantabrigian politics, Galluccio's anti-rent control stance makes him one of the most conservative members of the council for rent control supporters.

Rent control, which began in Cambridge in 1969, was voted out by a statewide referendum in 1994.

Robert Winters, a longtime council observer and publisher of the online Cambridge Civic Journal, says most of the complaints he has heard about Galluccio's election as mayor have come from such Cambridge residents.

"They see Anthony as this horrendous conservative because of his affiliation with anti-rent control forces," Winters says.

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