
How Mayor Gallucio Triumphed: Underdog to Top Dog

Born, Sullivan and Galluccio remained close behind with two votes apiece.

After backing Born in the second ballot, Davis "reaffirmed" her commitment to Galluccio at this time.


"There was no hint that Kathy could be elected," she said.

Midnight Madness

Around midnight, as the council recessed to await clarification on parts of the Linear Park downzoning petition in North Cambridge--Galluccio's home neighborhood--Decker and Reeves suddenly switched allegiances again.

"After the late-night recess, I said to Decker 'I don't think I can get the votes,'" Reeves says.

Decker and Reeves then went to Born and offered her their votes.

According to Reeves, Born then went to Davis, presumably to retain her vote.

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