
How Mayor Gallucio Triumphed: Underdog to Top Dog

Duehay says that Reeves' voting was "cynical."

"Ken Reeves shifted his vote after he knew it was too late," he says. "That's very sad."

Despite the contentious process, councillors believe Galluccio's support from both parties will allow him to bring the council together.


"He got votes from both sides of the aisle," he says. "He's in position to chair a coalition government."

And Galluccio is confident that the council will work well together in coming months.

With no majority on the council, he says, "the bipartisian relationships become more and more important." He says the party labels ascribed to each councillor are becoming less and less important.

"I think times have changed [from the traditional acrimony between the Independents and the CCA]," Galluccio says.

"There are good working relationships here," he says. "I think everything will fall together."

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