
How Mayor Gallucio Triumphed: Underdog to Top Dog

Galluccio, however, says he finds the conservative label often attached to him "amusing."

"I'm a liberal Democrat by any standard," he says. "I have a pro-business label because I'm willing to acknowledge the benefits of a good business climate in the city."

Galluccio says he is a strong supporter of converting commercial spaces to residential use. As for his pro-development image, he says he supports "reasonably scaled business development" in commercial sectors of the city.


At the Jan. 24 council meeting, Galluccio proposed an amendment to the Larkin petition to allow construction of two proposed telecommunications projects. Before being passed, Galluccio's amendment was amended itself to encourage development of housing of 20 or more units on the site.

In his new role as mayor, Galluccio says he must bring his colleagues together and try to find common goals.

"The councillors count on the mayor for policy initiatives and to keep things on track," he says.

During the next two years, Galluccio says he will focus on the basics: housing, schools, jobs and health care.

"That to me is what local government is all about," he says.

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