
When One Is Not Enough: Local Stores Square Off with Double Locations

Ideally, says Todd Andrews, a corporate relations spokesperson for the company, stores are laid out like the Mass. Ave. branch, tempting customers with seasonal products as they enter.

Andrews says the JFK Street store's layout is probably due to its age. "With some of the older stores, we do get unusual configurations," he says.


He admits that the proximity of the two stores is "an unusual situation," but says it also makes sense because drugstores carry products people need at a moment's notice.

"When it comes to drugstores, people like them really close [to them]," he says.

Business at the JFK Street store, which Andrews estimates is one-half the size of the other store, totals to only one-third of the other store's business, according to Andrews.

Because the Mass. Ave. store is larger, it can support the pharmacy, Andrews says.

But for features like an expanded greeting card section, a photo developing counter and more convenience food items, customers will have to trek to the CVS down the road at 1013 Mass. Ave., toward Central Square.

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