
When One Is Not Enough: Local Stores Square Off with Double Locations

But why does the Square need two Starbucks so close to one another?

"It's based on walking patterns," Peterson explains. "It's a business of convenience, and we wanted to be as convenient to our customers as possible."

An Addition to the Family


For Bob Slate Stationers, the decision to open a second location in Harvard Square had little to do with different customer bases or convenience, though those factors did help the second location thrive.

Owner Mallory Slate says the two stores are "carbon copies," and convenience is "absolutely" the only factor that would lead a consumer to choose one store over the other.

Slate explains that the Church Street store, which first opened in 1975 and moved to its current location in 1991, was necessary because the original store, at 1288 Mass. Ave., had run out of space.

"We were maxed out," he says.

Though the stores have few major variations, the difference is in the details.

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