A campaign well-thought out and cleverly planned,
An Estrich who won't bury her head in the sand,
A good job at a good wage and a balanced budget
(If the reports aren't true, John Sasso can fudge it).
For Senator Bentsen, a place in which to stew;
It wasn't your fault--what could you do?
For Jackson, words that will inspire the electorate,
Speeches so stirring and phrases that don't rhyme.
GEORGE Bush, who chose a V.P. most detest,
We give you good health and a bullet proof vest,
Kinder, gentler policies, also, if you would deign,
As much heed to social issues as you gave in the campaign.
For negative advertising, which got you where you are,
We'll bring the feathers, you bring the tar.
J. Danforth Quayle, young V.P. so excited,
Read more in Opinion
The U.C.: There's Hope Yet