

A Holiday Hit List

A bridge for the Law School, to cross its large schism

(Though it's sometimes been nice to see real radicalism),

A knife for the brie at the next office sit-in,

And a job interview schedule all students can fit in.

Clare Dalton, to whom the Law School was untrue,


Plenty of evidence and the chutzpah to sue.

Dershowitz, our counsel, a chef oh so fine,

A pastrami sandwich that costs less than $7.99,

And an appointment with a rebbe who won't mind saying

That you can be selling when you ought to be praying.

FOR the UC, a slumbering giant recently awoken,

Reps who are more politically outspoken.

To student activists we give a new cause,

To Wall Street-bound seniors, we offer a pause

To consider careers selfless and inspiring;
