
Crimson staff writer

Kit A. Terrey

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'The First Omen' Still

‘The First Omen’ Review: A Prequel that Fails to Measure Up

The prequel to David Seltzer's 1976 film "The Omen" is a passable film that leaves something to be desired in its visuals and conclusion.


Six Ways to Enjoy the Boston Spring Before School Lets Out for the Summer

Here are some affordable spring activities to take advantage of in your few weeks left in Boston.


Artist Profile: Sidney Gish, from Bandcamp to Boston Calling

From childhood nights spent surfing the internet, looking for just the right sound to edit into a song, Gish has come far.

'Our Favourite Theater Roles' Still

Taking the Stage: Our Favorite Theater Roles Vignettes

Here are some of our writers’ favorite memories on stage, and the ways that they fell in love with performing.

Girl from the North Country Cast Photo

‘Girl From the North Country’ Review: Moving Songs, Stationary Dialogue

“Girl From the North Country” achieves what any jukebox musical sets out to do: It elevates well-known music by framing it within an original setting.


SoWA: The Artist’s Hub

Down a windy corridor in Boston’s South End lies a hub of art and design dubbed SoWa.

'The Virtues Window'

Dark Academia: Aesthetics and Belonging in an Age of Social Media

Influencers had established an online space for lovers of all things erudite, donnish, and elite.
