Crimson staff writer
Emma R. Adler
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Behind the Scenes with the Pudding
The Crimson sits down with the Hasty Pudding Theatricals's composer Dylan MarcAurele ’16, writer Brian J. Mendel ’15, and actor Ethan D. Hardy ‘14 to get an idea of what went into the making of the latest iteration of a time-honored spectacle.
Cast and Crew Redeem Material in "Witness Uganda"
The ART's latest musical is a mixed bag, with winning performances but tepid lines and lyrics.
Little Occurs in "Everything Happens"
“Everything Happens as It Does,” by Bulgarian writer Albena Stambolova, is a slip of a novel that chronicles the ways in which the lives of seven characters intersect and impact one another. Very little occurs in the way of concrete plot, but the text announces its sticking point in its title: everything that happens is fated to happen.
Things Go Clunk in the “Night”
The question is not whether “Night Film” is a technically good book (it’s not), but whether you are willing to chuck your binoculars, step back, and enjoy the poorly constructed yet captivating spectacle.
Cranston Breaks Out in "All the Way"
“All the Way” clocks in at just over three hours, but excepting a lugubrious final lap heavy with exposition and short on shining moments for Cranston, this is a play that makes you feel time is no object. Those willing to stand (or sneak in a Crazy Creek) will find themselves standing just a little longer after the show to give “All the Way” the upright ovation it deserves.
"Populaire" A Charming Affair
A light but surprisingly thoughtful example of a romantic comedy, Régis Roinsard's "Populaire" succeeds by its ability to combine meaningful themes and effortless fun. The film avoids taking itself too seriously, with refreshingly self-aware humor mixed in among more substantial scenes.
It's Love and Dance "At Last"
Dance is at the forefront in “At Last,” but the production is lent an additional layer of complexity by its plot. The dances in the production chronicle the evolving relationships of four different couples. In between dances, vocalist Page Axelson, a junior at Reading Memorial High School, sings differing versions of “At Last” that speak to the particular nature of the couples’ stories.
The Carriage House
Through superb character development, narrative innovations that are all her own, and humor that winks at Austen without kowtowing to her, new author Lousia Hall crafts a poignant tale that transcends the riff-off genre.
Three Desserts
We love Finale as much as the next person, but constantly kicking it Square-side can get a little dull. In the spirit of changing things up, we decided to visit three sweet eateries that are ever so slightly off the beaten path. Each is within fifteen minutes of the Yard, and well worth the minor trek. Let your sweet tooth spread its proverbial wings!
The Vegan Challenge
THE CHALLENGE: Go vegan for a week (Monday-Friday only—denying ourselves Annenberg brunch was not an option)
"Oz" Both Great and Powerful
A 200-million-dollar major motion picture cannot be labeled camp (if this is camp, it is the air-conditioned-cabins, day-trips-to-Six-Flags variety)—a better descriptor for “Oz the Great and Powerful” may be ebulliently self-aware. The dialogue is stilted, the characters are caricatures, but everyone is in on the joke.
"Benediction" triumphs as a technically masterful exercise of sparse prose. However, when undertaking the topics of death and family, Haruf doesn't achieve such success in beliveability.
A Good Bagel is Hard to Find
One culinary question you'll never hear debated is where in the United States to go for a bagel. The supremacy of the New York bagel is a closed case—an accepted tenant of foodie-ism that is about as up for discussion as Avogadro's number. After I decided to come to Harvard, my mom bought me an enormous winter coat. But I was less concerned about Cambridge winters than I was about the prospect of being out of reach of a decent bagel. I went my entire first semester at college without attempting to fill the void. But positive experiences with Cambridge sushi and Cambridge pizza gave me a ray of hope. This week, Connie and I attempted to do the impossible: find a bagel worth eating within walking distance of Harvard Yard.
Packing the House
With rising ticket prices and online streaming options contributing to declining audiences, the survival of independent movie houses may seem unlikely. Yet Cambridge’s independent theaters, drawing on a number of strategies, continue to thrive.