Kate C. Xie
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world AIDS day
AIDS is a disease that crosses cultural boundaries, comments Philip Yenawine, co-founding director of Visual Understanding in Education, regarding an image of an African American male holding a poster. In commemoration of World AIDS Day, Philip Yenawine presented images and reflected on the impact of AIDS on artists in "World AIDS Day Lecture: Seeing AIDS," an event held in the lecture hall of the Arthur M. Sackler Museum.
As part of World AIDS Day, Philip Yenawine presented images and reflected on the impact of AIDS on artists in “Seeing AIDS,” held in the Sackler Museum.
Chris Colbert, CEO of Holland Mark, advises job seekers to market “One Simple Thing” about themselves in “Branding You,” an event held in the Fong Auditorium yesterday evening.
Jasper van Putten
Jasper van Putten discusses the intersection of art, geometry, and cartography in the works of Augustin Hirschvogel yesterday evening in the Barker Center.