Filling the Pews
Attendees of all ages gather in Memorial Church for the 105th Annual Christmas Carol Service on Monday evening. According to the event program, the liturgy has remained largely the same as when the carol service began in 1910.
Singing Along
From left, MJ Richardson '17, Chloe B. Do '15, Karen-Alexandra Nogues '18, and Sarah C. Angell '18 sing along during the 105th Annual Christmas Carol Service in Memorial Church on Monday evening.
'Silent Night'
Memorial Church Choirmaster Edward E. Jones conducts the Harvard University Choir as it performs "Silent Night" on Monday evening in Memorial Church. The performance was part of the 105th Annual Christmas Carol Service.
Watching the Service
According to the event program, attendees were invited to join the choir in singing "Silent Night" to commemorate the centenary of the Christmas Truce of 1914, when British and German soldiers fighting in World War I temporarily halted attacks in acknowledgement of the holiday. As the choir readied to begin singing "Silent Night," some attendees closed their eyes, others looked straight ahead, but all were silent.
Love It: Ugly Christmas Sweaters
People who hate on ugly Christmas sweater parties are the same people who hate on Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber: people just love to hate on things that are a tiny bit tacky and enormously popular.
Hate it: Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties
I don’t understand why we all hang out all year, but do our own things for the month of December. Why can’t we just light the Chanukkah with the Kinara? Or fill stockings with latkes? Or do whatever we want to do, regardless of what God we’re fans of (or totally not fans of)?
Nearly 94 Percent of Student Applicants Receive Winter Break Housing
353 students were approved to stay on campus during Winter Break I—which runs from Dec. 22 to Jan. 1—and 1,322 students for Winter Break II, which runs from Jan. 2 to Jan. 16.
Community Members Dash Around Cambridge in Yulefest 5K
Over a thousand people dressed as Santa Clauses, elves, and reindeer descended upon Harvard Square for the third annual Yulefest race on Sunday morning. The run, one of five annual 5k races in Cambridge, kicked off at the intersection of Holyoke Street and Massachusetts Avenue and was followed by a post-race block party on Brattle Street.
Secret Santa: A How-To
With the holidays right around the corner, many of your clubs and friends are probably planning gift swaps (Secret Santa, Secret Snowman, White Elephant, whatever your variant of choice is!). Here are some tips for making sure things go as smoothly as possible:
Noche Buena
Many Americans probably don’t know this, but the Philippines starts celebrating Christmas in September.
Sixteen Christmases
On December 25 at 11:56 p.m., I realize that it’s our last Christmas in this house.