Crimson staff writer
Michelle Y. Raji
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Aron Szanto
“Say I have a secret,” says Szanto, an Applied Mathematics concentrator in Mather House and a Masters candidate in Computer Science. “I tell you the secret, and you tell someone else, [and] they tell someone else. If you were to track that little bit of information as it spreads, it would kind of look like a line that goes from me to you and me to your friend. You would see little nodes in a network light up.”
Victor C. Agbafe ’19 and Michael K. Bervell ’19
If elected, Agbafe and Bervell say they plan to develop a platform for “shaping” Harvard based on student opinion, “filling” out Harvard’s existing programs, and “baking,” or enacting policies they see as vital to improving students’ quality of life.
Epidemic Experts Congregate at Symposium
"We were interested in broadening that idea, or turning it on its head, to also understand contagion as the root of many social ills.”
Teen Mag Quiz: Are You Really Playing Devil's Advocate?
Are you the worst....or are you the literal devil?
School of Public Health Researchers Find Many Unreported Police Killings
The study found that only 44.9 percent of police-related deaths were documented as such in a database managed by the federal government.
The Bitter Pill: Harvard and the Dark History of Birth Control
In the 1950s, two Harvard professors tested the birth control pill on mentally ill Massachusetts women and low-income Puerto Rican women, raising questions about research practices at Harvard and beyond.
Charmaine Nelson
"I’m here at Harvard researching slavery in the regions that became Canada. The average Canadian doesn’t even realize transatlantic slavery happened in Canada," says Charmaine Nelson of her work. "Canadians got to that point through an erasure—we offload it onto the United States."
Star Quality: Matt Damon at Harvard
Matt P. Damon ’92 seemed poised for movie stardom in 1992.
After Dark in the Arabian Peninsula
Scholars of history, architecture, design, film, and anthropology gathered to explore nighttime landscapes and public spaces in the Arabian Peninsula and other places with similarly hot climates.
Every Minute Counts: Fighting the Opioid Epidemic in Cambridge
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, over 33,000 people died from overdoses involving pain-relieving narcotics, known as opioids, in 2015. Of those, 1,751 were in Massachusetts.
15 Minutes With Edwidge Danticat
Because you are a storyteller and I am a storyteller. That is what we do. It is still a mystery to me how stories get written, frankly. That’s why sometimes we have a lot of writers writing novels about writers.
The Word: Citizen
“Hey you — All our fevered history won’t instill insight, won’t turn a body conscious, won’t make that look in the eyes say yes, though there is nothing to solve even as each moment is an answer.” — Claudia Rankine, “Citizen: An American Lyric”
Retrospection: Agassiz's Expeditions in Brazil
But for Agassiz, the trip to Brazil was about more than science. Not only was evolution—a process not immediately observable to the human eye—deeply antithetical to Agassiz’s staunch empiricism, evolution was profoundly at odds with his perceived world order.
A Conversation with Alicia Garza
On Oct. 30 in Memorial Church, Alicia Garza—the special projects director for the National Domestic Workers Alliance and the co-founder of the #BlackLivesMatter network—gave the Ninth Annual Robert Coles “Call of Service” Lecture. She discussed her thoughts on #BlackLivesMatter, the transformative power of resistance, and how the call of service must be redefined. Afterward, there was a brief press period for reporters.