
Development Office Woos Donors With That Harvard Charm

From the Yard to the yacht club, UDO pulls out all the stops

"Development is a euphemism for fundraising," Fineberg says. "We've now got euphemisms for euphemisms."

Development officers work on "cultivation"--the process of buttering up alumni to give to Harvard, and "stewardship"--following up on donors after they have given money and telling them how their contribution is affecting the University.


With the language mastered, alumni volunteers then personalize their fundraising style and figure out how they can best convince their friends to open their wallets and pocketbooks.

Whom to Ask?

Harvard begins soliciting money from its "closest friends," according to Boardman.

"You go to the alumni and friends who have been traditionally and most recently the most supportive of Harvard," he says.

Johnston says UDO asks him for advice about how to approach his

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