
Development Office Woos Donors With That Harvard Charm

From the Yard to the yacht club, UDO pulls out all the stops

"If you come back with $50,000, you've failed," he adds.

The UDO offers volunteers a list of "prospects"--potential donors--from which they can choose their targets.

Klein says he usually takes on five, but typically only succeeds with two.


The process is gradual. "I continue to become acquainted and then ask the person to support a particular aspect," Klein says.

"I'm sure they know the ultimate reason [for the meeting], but since I see them several times over a one- to two-year period they start forgetting what it's really about," Klein says.

Meanwhile, UDO backs up the volunteers every step of the way, providing information about what the potential donor's interests might be.

"They have a file on everybody," Klein says.

Klein says he never raises money over the phone, instead using one- hour lunches.

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