
Development Office Woos Donors With That Harvard Charm

From the Yard to the yacht club, UDO pulls out all the stops

"But if that doesn't work, then you get a visit from Neil and you chit-chat about the world and about the weather and then he says 'this school needs money,'" she says.

"And if that doesn't work, then you get a call from Harvey. He doesn't waste any time and asks you immediately," Hauser adds. "I have never known this trio to fail."


Harvard doesn't bring out its big guns for everyone. Most donors get a call, a visit or a letter from the UDO or its alumni volunteers.

Some alumni take the initiative and contribute without even being asked. But, in order to wring money out of the rest, the University tuned up its complex, aggressive fundraising machine.

Now this machine is downshifting for a more low-key fundraising effort aimed at helping out areas neglected in the campaign and other, new initiatives.

Good Technique

Harvard fundraising works like a well-oiled machine. All administrators and volunteers know their roles; the University has done its homework, studying the likes and dislikes of its donors.

The University sometimes uses Harvard-centered events to woo prospective donors. If the dean of a school or Rudenstine is speaking in a city, the UDO will organize fundraising meetings to catch the Harvard friends and alumni the event attracts.

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