
Getting to Know Your House

History and Science Concentrator

Rochester, N.Y.

1. The best thing about Lowell House, besides its central location and beautiful architecture, is the lack of peer pressure among its students. People can be themselves without feeling like they are being watched or evaluated.

2. The worst thing about Lowell House is that it does not have a swimming pool, but the Malkin-IAB is right next door.

3. We traditionally have a Bahamas party this month that features not only dancing to calypso and rock music, but also a raffle that entitles the winner to a trip for two to the Bahamas.


4. After the seniors and juniors choose their rooms, the remaining rooms are randomly distributed to rising sophomores.

5. We don't have an orientation session per se, but sponsor a number of events like the Bahamas party, Spring Soiree, and Dutch Auction party this spring, which will give freshmen an opportunity to meet people and become acquainted with the house.

6. While it is true that there are people who work hard in Lowell House, we believe that there are people who work hard in every house. What is not true is the stereotype often associated with hardworking people, i.e. one of dullness. Lowellians are friendly and fun.

7. Co-masters Bill and Mary Bossert make a noticeable effort to maintain close contact with house residents. They host weekly teas in their home, throw parties for each class, and hold frequent office hours. The Bosserts show a great concern for our comfort and well-being.


Karen E. Avery '87

Psych and Social Relations Concentrator

Albany, N.Y.

1. THE PEOPLE! Single Rooms, the View, the Food, the Tower, the weight room, the big screen T.V., the carpeting, the "Concreatery" (the grill), milk and cookies, weekly open houses, the Herlihys, the "Concrete Abstract," "Mathering Heights," the tutors, the staff, the uncrowded suites, even the free standing stairway in the house library. But most of all, the house spirit.

2. There are no bad things about Mather House. Right now the only bad thing is that the Herlihys are leaving. We'll all miss them very much.
