
Getting to Know Your House

5. Rising sophomores are invited to our annual Spring Weekend, and during freshman week we have a week of activities: movies, dances, outing-bikes etc., milk and cookies every night, and a special trip to Cranes Beach for sophomores.

6. It's true we do have a large population of minorities, but this adds to our diversity. Currier is not a "minority house," but rather a place where minorities feel comfortable. The walk is ONLY 12 minutes.

7. The Hershbachs are incredibly active, but they're leaving at the end of the year.


Evan M. Supcoff '88


Social Studies Concentrator

Oceanside, NY

and Scott Easton '88

Government Concentrator

Cedar Rapids, IA

1. The best part of Dudley House is that we have transfer students, married students, and graduate students--and they all offer something to the house which makes us diverse. Dudley gives students living off campus more freedom than students living in traditional dormitories.

2. There is a separation in our student body with everybody living in different places, so that there is not a lot of shared experience that you would get in a dormitory. The rest of the student body frequently doesn't acknowledge that off-campus students exist to begin with.

3. This is our 50th anniversary year, so we've had lots of celebrations and a house dinner with President Bok. In addition, Dudley has: a luncheon series with guest speakers; a semi-formal at the end of this month; a senior dinner; and house barbecues.

4. There is no lottery system for off-campus living.

5. There is an orientation for transfer students, but next year there will be one for all members of the house. Dudley has a Transfer Host Program to introduce high school students and undergraduates to off-campus living.
