
Getting to Know Your House

7. Woody and Hannah Hastings, who will returnfrom sabbatical next semester, are really cool.The masters offer small dinners throughout theyear, and they let students review tutors beforemaking selections.


Toby Kosowski '87

North Palm Beach, Florida



1. We have lots of parties, and lots offriendly people. Our dining hall and our grill andour pinball machine and our foosball table add tothe social atmosphere.

2. The new Quincy staircases are ugly.

3. Spring weekend, at the end of April in thecourtyard. There are bands, picnics, barbecues, acasino night, and class competitions. The weekbefore that is Arts Week, when talented people inWinthrop can perform for the rest of the house,and enjoy games, tie-dying and mask-making.

4. Rooms are assigned this month, and seniorityis awarded based on class year and where your'recoming from. Rising seniors who lived in OldQuincy would pick first, then rising seniors inNew Quincy, then the same for rising juniors. Oneperson from each rooming group picks a number forthe group. There are then separate lotteriesdepending on rooming group size: one for quints,one for quads, and so on. Rising sophomores areassigned rooms over the summer.

5. There's a special dinner for sophomores inthe fall. Rising sophomores will also receiveinvitations to a welcoming brunch and orientationmeeting this April, where they will meet withmasters, tutors and students. They are invited tothe spring formal, all spring weekend events, andArts Week.

6. Since we're the biggest house, we're totallydiverse and don't have any real stereotypes. Lastyear we had a Rhodes Scholar, a Marshall Scholar,and the captain of the football team. We havemembers of some of Harvard's most popular bands.Some people think the house is too big, but by theend of sophomore year you really can get to knowalmost everyone.

7. The Aloians are very willing to talk tostudents. They have a very popular sherry and openhouse every Thursday afternoon. In general,they're just very friendly and accessible. As anexample, last year Master Aloian bought us a VCR,which is now available for everyone in the houseto use.


Ted Chang '87

Flint, Michigan
