
Getting to Know Your House

6. The false stereotype is that this is a dead house. We just don't live in one house. People don't realize that like any other house, we have teas, pool, foosball, luncheons, and teas.

7. The Loebs really are cooperative and supportive. They invite house committee to the Masters Advisory Council so that students can take part in the administration of the house.


Antonia E. Foias '87

Anthropology Concentrator


Bloomington, IN


Fernando R. Laguarda '88

Government Concentrator

Sherborn, MA

1. Dunster is a real community: small enough to be a "home" while diverse enough to be interesting and lively. Residents are involved in everything, but when they all come home, Dunster is the place to be. It really is a great place to live and enjoy "those college years."

2. People think you have to know how to speak Pascal to get along at Dunster. Well, it's just not true! (Cobol or binary are helpful, though.) There is a little bit of the science-math stereotype, but no one type is prevalent here.

3. The annual Entryway Olympics with tunnel races, tricycle derbies, etc.. There is also a carnival with the Cambridge kids linked to Dunster through the HAND program.

4. Priority is by class: seniors get their preference, then juniors. Sophomores are assigned by the masters' assistants. Within each class, priority goes to larger-size rooming groups.

5. All incoming sophomores will get a letter detailing their initiation rites.
