
Getting to Know Your House

3. Mather has the only weekly house newspaper, and it's called "The Concrete Abstract." Mather also has the only house soap opera, "Mathering Heights," which has an episode four times a year.

4. The seniors and juniors have separate lotteries in order to assign rooms. Each member of a rooming group draws a number in their respective lotteries, and the best number drawn represents that group. Each rooming group then selects their choice of room in order of their lottery number. Sophomore rooms are assigned at random.

5. Traditionally, the Herlihys have invited all of the sophomores to their home in Hull, Mass., for a fun-filled outing on the beach at the beginning of the year.

6. One of the nice things about Mather House is that it has no stereotype. Because the house has been primarily a second-choice house in the past, we get a very diverse group of students.

7. The Herlihys have been very active in the house. They attend all house functions, they appear in "Mathering Heights." they hold weekly open houses in their residence, they eat in the dining hall quite frequently, they are always accessible, warm, and approachable, and they support the students' wishes, and the activities planned by the house committee.



Stephen J. Gleason '87

Government Concentrator

St. Davids, PA

1. The best thing about North is the fact that there isn't a stereotype because all the athletes, for example, don't all apply here. The house is diverse. The tutorial staff and the masters are superb, and we've got a lot ofspirit. Our small size is a real advantage; we'rea close-knit house where everybody knows everybodyelse.

2. The location and physical plant aredisappointing, but the rooms are not so bad as thelack of common space. All rooms at North House aresingles; it would be better if people had theoption of choosing to live in a suite. Inaddition, we have two dining halls. People tend toeat in a certain hall and that's not good.

3. Events at North House include: a holidaytalent show with skits and songs; a spring fling(which won't be a booze cruise this year, but adance at the Lenora on Mass. Ave. on May 4); amasters' open house every Friday; and a winterformal.

4. A housing committee of two students and twomembers of the tutorial staff assign rooms torising sophomores according to what preferencesthey list in the spring. For juniors and seniors,there is a lottery and a big map from whichstudents select their room choices.

5. Orientation for sophomores began the daylottery assignments were given, when the housecommittee distributed North House grab bagsconsisting of a T-shirt, a shuttle bus schedule,and a list of upcoming activities. There was anice cream bash last week and a show by "On ThinIce."

6. North House doesn't really have astereotype, although some people say that it isgetting "jocky." People just don't think aboutstereotypes here like they do at the River houses
