
Getting to Know Your House


1. Winthrop has a lot of spirit, and ralliesaround intramurals, parties, studies, and otherextracurriculars. The tutors are very involved inthe house, and the dining hall staff--especiallyMary--is great. It's a real work-hard, play-hardkind of house.

2. It's probably true that the house isn't asheterogeneous as we'd like to think.

3. Thropstock weekend, a big spring celebrationthe weekend before reading period. Includes a"no-talent" show, parties, entryway olympics withjello wrestling, and a harbor cruise. The WinthropHouse Music Society sponsors Beaux Arts Trioconcerts every year in Sanders Theater.

4. First, each resident is assigned a randomlottery number, and then members of each roominggroup use their best individual number. Risingseniors sit down together with a room plan, andclaim rooms in numerical order. The next day,rising juniors do the same with the rooms that areleft. Rising sophomores are also assigned randomnumbers, and they are assigned remaining roomsover the summer by the assistant to the master,who bases preference on their numbers.


5. Rising sophomores are invited to all springevents including the formal, and are of coursewelcome to come down any time. There will be aspecial welcoming brunch next Sunday, after whichthere will be an impromptu orientation meeting inthe JCR with the masters, tutors and housecommittee.

6. It is like "high school" in that it's verysocial and everyone has a lot of fun--but it's nottrue in the sense that everyone's immature.

7. The Davises actively participate in houselife. They attend house committee meetings andFriday Fests, throw great open houses, and eat inthe dining hall regularly
