
Getting to Know Your House

1. The warmth and friendliness of the students and tutors make Leverett one of the most relaxed and unpretentious of the houses.

2. The lack of communication between the masters, senior tutor and residents often leads students to feel a certain alienation.

3. For sophomores there is a special outing to Cape Cod and this spring, a formal dance at the Copley Marriott.

4. Returning blocks have the privilege of "freezing" their current rooms for next year if more than half of the group will return. Groups of seniors go first, groups of seniors--juniors second, and then juniors, etc.

5. The orientation session at Leverett consists of an upperclass big brother-sister program for incoming sophomores and the masters' outing to Cape Cod.


6. Diversity of groups: Leverett is a unique mix of people. We have 10 intercollegiate captains. We also have the most Phi Beta Kappa seniors. The Undergraduate Council chairman, former HSA president, and former band manager are a few of the many busy people in Leverett. Leverett is not apathetic; rather, we have a large number of people who are extremely busy with sports, jobs, etc. Student response to the heating grates incident disproves the notion of apathy."

7. The masters make every effort to attend house committee and house functions. They do not eat in the dining hall that frequently. Master Dowling tries to dictate social policy in the house, and his outspoken distaste for alcohol at Leverett functions has left many students with a bad feeling about social life in the house.

(Greg Campbell is co-chairman of the Leverett House committee.)


Jeanne Ackman '87

Lowell House

Biology Concentrator

Chappaqua, N.Y.


Sam Klepper '87
