
Seven Lords A-Leaping... and Other Seasonal Matters

(A Christmas Cantata)

Plied on to logical Stanley Cavell.

Alas, no chimes ring out for Stephen Hall--As for the rest, we love 'em all.

Epps and Arthurs, Daly and Fox.

Sissela, Derek and the little Boks.

Boiling cups of Christmas cheer.


To Bloomfield, Bowersock and Beer.

Rattling every liberal's bones

From The House to E-House, Hugh Lloyd-Jones.

Before our eyes mist up and get blearin

Drink, salute to Doc Bill Doering.

Of Levin and Wender we've heard a-plenty

What kind of X-mas do they have in Chem 20?

Trinkaus and Trivers get a trip to Darwin;

And a boat to Rhodesia Laura Garwin.

While we are telling the sheep from the goats

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