
Crimson staff writer

Emma D.D. Pham-Tran

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Rare Books Graphic

The New Faces of Rare Book Collecting: Young Adults Redefine What It Means To Be A Rare Book Collector

Rare book collecting, a hobby historically maintained by eccentric billionaires and wealthy universities, is now taking on new life among young readers.

'Viet and Nam' Truong Profile Still

Artist Profile: Truong Minh Quý on Weaving Identity into Independent Film Productions

For now, the audience will just have to wait patiently as Truong crafts his next head-turning masterpiece that is sure to wow the world yet again.

Nick Shea Blue Triangle Concert Billboard

Nick Shea Concert Review: A Step Out of Boston Common and Into Boston’s Music Scene

Shea’s infectious passion and consistent engagement with the crowd outshined any of his lyrical stumbles.

'Saturday Night Live' Still

‘Saturday Night’ Review: A Glimpse Behind the Curtain of a Classic

“Saturday Night” is a dramatized yet compelling retelling of the show’s first episode.

Blind Box Trinket Graphic

Trinkets and Blind Boxes: Little Guys Having a Big Impact on Gen Z

Whether room decor, paper weights, or little reminders of joy throughout the day, Sonny Angels and Smiskis have solidified their place in people’s hearts.

Armaan Tipirneni and Pranav Ramesh
The Scoop

my.harvard's Makeover

Nearly one decade after the last update, Harvard University Information Technology is now planning to launch a new update for my.harvard, with the help of some student recruits.
