
Contributing writer

Cindy Zhang

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Schuyler Bailar Headshot

Harvard Authors Profile: Schuyler Bailar on Allyship to the Transgender Community

Schuyler Bailar, an internationally recognized author, educator, and advocate for inclusion and diversity, shared his new book, "He/She/They."

The Band's Visit

‘The Band’s Visit’ Review: Music Is Love And Hope

“The Band’s Visit” serves as a reminder that music can act as a bridge between people.

'This is Not a Time for Dreaming' Image
On Campus

Linda Norden on Pierre Huyghe’s ‘This is Not a Time for Dreaming’

The ongoing exhibition of Huyghe’s work at the Carpenter Center serves as a powerful bridge between the past and the present within the realm of the arts.

ASAP and Teatro Footloose

‘Footloose’ Preview: An Uplifting, Warm-hearted Journey to Freedom

ASAP and ¡TEATRO! breathe new life into "Footloose," highlighting the story's diasporic themes and intergenerational traumas that are linked with many immigrant family stories.

Tan Twan Eng Image

From the Boston Book Festival: Tan Twan Eng on Defiance and the Power of Stories

At the 2023 Boston Book Festival on Oct. 14, Tan sat down for a conversation with Rachel Cantor and Virginia Pye on “Defiance: Literary Imagination and the Power of Stories.”

Coco Krumme Harvard Book Store

Coco Krumme at the Harvard Bookstore: Reapproaching Optimization with First Principles

While Krumme realizes there is no way to truly opt out of or substitute optimization, she asks the readers to confront and question this norm.

Jazz Along the Charles 2023 Image
On Campus

‘Jazz Along the Charles’ Review: Remake, Retrospect, and Reunion

The celebrated “Jazz Along the Charles” was an excellent illustration of the cultural legacy and the vibrant music community found in Boston.

Opinions Cover Image

‘Opinions’ Review: Why We Need Feminist Voices Today

In “Opinions,” Gay collects highlights of her commentary from the last decade — pieces previously seen in The New York Times and The Guardian, profiles of pop-culture celebrities such as Nicki Minaj, and excerpts from her advice column, “Work Friend.”

Cillian Murphy

Cillian Murphy Retrospective: Thirty Years an Actor

Part of his appeal to fans seems to stem from this authenticity, in contrast with so many other celebrities who aim to please.
