Crimson staff writer
Abigail B. Lind
Latest Content
Lurid Tales of 'Crime' Captivate But Fall Flat
To combine this darkly fascinating subject matter with the author’s straightforward narration initially seems a kind of alchemy; von Schirach promises to extract insights about “human beings—their failings, their guilt, and their capacity to behave magnificently” from the elements of hardboiled detective novels and television serials.
'The Illusionist' Whimsical But Predictable
Director Sylvain Chomet’s loyalty to writer Jacques Tati’s memory prevents him from exercising his full creative powers, and the film suffers for it.
Don’t Call Me Amateur
The changes that arts criticism is enduring will ultimately allow more people to engage more deeply with culture—but not without growing pains.
Four Technologies That Sound Really Dumb In Allusions In Fiction
There are a lot of impoverished writers out there with an axe to grind against the big bad Internets.
Saer Sketches a Stylistic Ramble in ‘Sixty-Five Years’
In an article about Argentina’s bicentennial, n+1 founder and editor Benjamin Kunkel commented that in that country, “crisis has enforced creativity.”
'Body' Satirizes Academia
“This is a weird town,” observes Frank, a visiting photographer, of Shirley, Vt., in Annie Baker’s “Body Awareness.”
Batuman Discusses Divides in Literature
Elif I. Batuman ’99 paused as she read from her new collection of autobiographical essays, “The Possessed: Adventures with Russian Books and the People Who Read Them.”
‘Never Let Me Go’ Lacks Soul
Although “Never Let Me Go” remains flawed, it also demonstrates a high level of technical skill that will serve the director well if he ever learns to trust in the intelligence of his audience.
Chang’s ‘All Is Forgotten’ Lacks Polish and Dimensions
An important subplot in Lan Samantha Chang’s “All Is Forgotten, Nothing Is Lost” involves a mysterious poem that is never properly finished.
'Freedom' Captures the Spirit of Modern America
While an unassuming humanism underlied Franzen’s earlier work, the characters and places of this novel seem subordinate to his coldly rational exploration of space and independence in modern America.
Cohen Discusses The Power of Film
Though it would be going too far to suggest that director Rebecca Richman Cohen HLS ’07 aestheticizes tragedy, one thing is immediately clear: CSPAN this is not.
POSTCARD: The Best Thing Ever
In that spirit, I decided that damn it, I was going to enjoy our excursion to Walden Pond.
POSTCARD: Living and Dying with Boston’s Neighborhood Newspapers
Community newspaper obituaries are the pinnacle of doom in modern society—the most doomed section of the most doomed newspapers in an industry that seems summarily doomed.
Harvard Student Art Show
It is a little-known fact that when the Carpenter Center was designed in 1959, the sidewalk that cuts through the ...
Spring 2010 Harvard Arts Medalist
On Thursday, Catherine B. Lord ’71—a visual artist, writer, curator, and intellectual focusing on queer theory, feminist history, and colonialism—will receive the Spring 2010 Harvard Arts Medal.