


Star Nearly As Old As Universe Found

The discovery of a dwarf galaxy star nearly as old as the universe has provided a missing link in supporting the “cannibalistic” theory of galaxy formation, according to a study led by Harvard researcher Anna Frebel that was published in the journal “Nature” this month.

Lighting Up the Laboratory: Lab Rat of the Week

Lighting Up the Laboratory

Molecular and Cellular Biology concentrator Amy Guan ’12 is taking the research world by storm

Lighting Up the Laboratory: Lab Rat of the Week

Lighting Up the Laboratory: Lab Rat of the Week



Columbia University Professor Brian R. Greene ‘84 lectures on the progress that has been made in understanding string theory last night in Pfizer Lecture Hall.

Harvard Law School

Today in Photos (03/26/10)


Study Recommends Limiting Saturated Fats

A study published yesterday in PLoS Medicine and led by Dariush Mozaffarian, an assistant professor of epidemiology at HSPH, showed that replacing saturated fats with a higher than previously recommended percentage of polyunsaturated fats was associated with a significantly decreased risk of coronary heart disease, the leading killer of adults in developing countries.


Leukemia May Start in Marrow

Certain blood cancers may be caused by the surrounding bone marrow in which blood is produced, according to recent findings from researchers at Harvard’s Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology department.


New Role Found For Disease Protein

A recent study co-authored by Harvard Medical School Professor Rudolph E. Tanzi has found that a protein once believed to have no other function except playing a key role in Alzheimer’s disease may actually be beneficial to the immune system.

Inhalable Cuisine

Inhalable Cuisine

Curious passerbys stopped by Tory Row in Harvard Square, for the launch event of “Le Whif,” an inhalable chocolate.

Creatures of Flame
On Campus

Creatures of Flame

Richard Wrangham, Ruth Moore Professor of Biological Anthropology and Master of Currier House, gives a talk entitled Creatures of the Flame: How Fire Makes Humans Different From Other Animals at Phillips Brooks House on Sunday. He recently published a book on the subject, Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human.

Lab Rat: Hamsa Sridhar ‘12

A Golden Levitating Act

Hamsa Sridhar ’12 works with levitating gold on a regular basis—but the work is neither magical nor costly.

Lab Rat: Hamsa Sridhar ‘12

Lab Rat: Hamsa Sridhar ‘12


Compound Inhibits Clotting

What do Wisconsin dairy cattle, rat poison, and former President Dwight Eisenhower have in common?


Studying the Beaks of Darwin’s Finches

Mere months after the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”, the finches that inspired Darwin’s theory of divergent evolution are once again at the forefront of scientific research.


Advil May Reduce Parkinson’s Risk

The anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen may act as a neuroprotective agent against the risk of Parkinson’s disease, according to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health.
