
Harvard Republican Club

Free Speech Bus

A War of Words?

As debates over free speech roil campuses nationwide, many say Harvard has been comparatively—if not entirely—quiet.

Debate Watch

Harvard Democrats and Republican Club Jointly Denounce Comey Firing

The College Democrats and Republican Club denounced President Donald Trump’s decision to fire James Comey, former director of the FBI, in an unusual joint statement.

IOP Inauguration Watch Party

‘An Encounter of Two Worlds’

Jonathan S. Roberts ’17 and Emily M. Hall ’18 both stood within a few thousand yards of the president. Both had traveled to Washington, D.C. for the inauguration—but they came for very different reasons.


Harvard Republicans Urge Unity, Democrats Regroup

As Harvard's Republicans are acknowledging and accepting the reality of Donald Trump's upset victory, the College's Democrats are not quite ready to unite behind the new President-elect.

Canvassing for Republican Party

Small Group of Harvard Republicans Campaign in N.H., But Not For Trump

The Harvard Republican Club has canvassed in New Hampshire over the weekend, not for its party's nominee but for incumbent Senator Kelly Ayotte, who is in one of the tightest races in the nation.



Harvard Republican Club Treasurer Kent K. Haeffner ‘18 poses with his Jeb Bush campaign attire outside Quincy House Grille. A native Floridian, Haeffner worked on campus to foster support for the Republican ticket while Jeb Bush remained a contender for the GOP nomination.


Harvard Students Mirror Mass. Split on Charter School Question

Harvard Democrats and Republicans have ramped up efforts to sway the large percentage of undecided Massachusetts voters on the contentious charter school ballot question

On the Campaign Trail

Hillary, I Presume?

A free-wheeling odyssey through the heart of the Harvard electorate.

Debate at the Queen's Head

‘Disheartening’ Final Presidential Debate Draws Laughter, Gasps

With Election Day less than three weeks away, students both laughed and gasped while watching Democratic presidential nominee Hillary R. Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump go head to head in the final presidential debate Wednesday night.

The First Debate: The IOP IV

On Harvard’s Campus, Supporters for Trump are Scarce but Resolute

Being a Republican at Harvard has historically been difficult; but supporting Donald J. Trump may give a whole new meaning to the phrase “the elephant in the room.”

Gov. Weld Campaigning on Campus

Returning to Harvard, Libertarian VP Candidate Weld Holds Out Hope

Former Massachusetts Governor and now Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee William F. Weld '66 projected confidence regarding his ticket's long-shot bid for the White House.

IOP Debate Watch

Half-Empty Auditorium Watches Kaine and Pence Square Off

This time around, fewer groups hosted watch parties and the IOP’s John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum was left half-empty.


Pro-Trump Email Urging Students to ‘Fight White Genocide’ Circulates College

The College has requested Harvard police investigate an email sent to some undergraduates urging them to stop “white genocide” and vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump.

The First Debate: The IOP IV

A Plurality of Republican Club Members Support Johnson

Nearly half of decided Harvard College Republicans not backing Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump have instead opted to support Libertarian Party nominee Gary E. Johnson, according to club president Declan P. Garvey ’17.

Election 2016: The First Debate

Students Pack IOP, Houses to Watch Presidential Debate

​The Institute of Politics’ John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum was filled to capacity with students eager to watch Hillary R. Clinton and Donald J. Trump duke it out during Monday’s presidential debate.
