
From Panorama Music Festival 2018: Shannon and the Clams Interview

Will Sprott (WS): You ever see that documentary about the Source Family?

THC: No, I haven’t seen it.

WS: It’s about this cult in California that they recorded, and they recorded hundreds of albums of music—and it’s good. I think that’s the one that started as a health restaurant called The Source in LA. And then it gradually evolved into this humongous cult. And it ended with Father Yod driving a hang glider off of a cliff in Hawaii. 


SS: Have you seen “Wild Wild Country?”

THC: I’ve been meaning to watch that. I’ve heard really interesting things.

SS: Oh my gosh put down everything, leave the festival, go watch that documentary. It’s amazing how much footage they have. Also “Holy Hell” is a really good documentary about another California called like Marin County. 

THC: So you guys are really into the whole cult thing…

SS: Well, I didn’t realize I was. 


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