
In the (K)now

Crimson Arts is starting to heat up just as the weather is about to cool down. Look for some spectacular interviews in the next couple of weeks... Uggh. Can either Bush or Gore pleeeeaassseee do something scandalous? This whole campaign has been a journalist's worst nightmare. Where's the fireworks? Warren Beatty totally should have run. Speaking of Hollywood and politics, Tinseltown seems completely flummoxed as to handle the election. Normally, they all vote Democrat but Gore and Lieberman killed that trend with their talk of "cultural pollution." Now Susan Sarandon's got the whole town talking Nader... Walking through the Yard and around Harvard Square, it seems that the number of Harvard boys wearing

Abercrombie and Nautica has skyrocketed. Verrrry interesting... I saw Almost Famous last week and got further confirmation that Cameron Crowe is one of the most consistent Hollywood directors. If you look at Say Anything, Singles, Jerry Maguire, and now Almost Famous, you'll see his ability to set up a cliche and then obliterate it. His comedy depends on lulling you into a comfort zone and then yanking you out of it. And it doesn't hurt that Kate Hudson has Goldie Hawn's sexual energy... My favorite newspaper headline in the past week: "Prince William in Chile, Sleeping in Tent"... Ok, so I really need help with my Ec 10 problem sets. Any freshmen want to help a poor old senior? You provide the graphs, I'll tell you how to beat the housing lottery... I've been asked at least 5000 times this week, "Well, What _Would_ Harry Potter Do?" Isn't the answer obvious? He'd tell Draco Malfoy that spikey blond hair was soooo 1995.


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