
A Local Specialty

He was in Cambridge City Government for 37 Years. Why Did Frank Duehay Keep it Local So Long

Although it's nearly February and the council still hasn't settled on a mayor (please see below and related story, page 7), Duehay defends the process.

"I think the idea of the council electing a mayor is a good one," he says, because council members are aware of their colleagues' qualifications.


The council does "slow down" until a mayor is chosen, Duehay acknowledges, and the fact that it takes some time is a "decent criticism," but that's not so important in the long run.

"I don't know that lasting damage has been done by waiting," he says.

No Regrets

Duehay says he could second-guess himself but he hasn't looked back on his career in that way.

"I'm sure there are plenty of things I could have done differently," he says. "I worked as hard as I could at it, and I made a number of positive changes."

Like all politicians, however, Duehay has not been immune to criticism.

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