
A Local Specialty

He was in Cambridge City Government for 37 Years. Why Did Frank Duehay Keep it Local So Long

At a December CCA meeting, Duehay explained the city's attraction for him.

"He told a story of being a kid and wondering what this organization was his parents were working for," says Robert Winters, publisher of the on-line Cambridge Civic Journal. "He grew up with that tradition of working for local government as a child."

That much is evident as Duehay lists his influences: teachers, camp counselors, mother, grandfather.


"It seemed to me that education, public service, and politics...would be a good way to affect people's lives," Duehay says.

But why didn't Duehay run for another office during his 28 years on the council?

"I found working at the local level very satisfying," he says, adding that the small nine-person council makes it effective.

"I think that Frank was a great admirer of Tip O'Neill, and that he practiced the act locally," says Robert C. Barber '72, Duehay's campaign manager for his 1983 and 1985 council elections.

Alice Wolf, who served with Duehay on the council from 1984-93 and was mayor in 1990-91, agrees.

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