
A Local Specialty

He was in Cambridge City Government for 37 Years. Why Did Frank Duehay Keep it Local So Long

But for some time, there have been rumblings from Cantabrigians that the weak mayor system should be replaced.

From his unique vantage point, does Duehay think it's time to update the system?

The form of government has strengths and weaknesses just like any other form of government, he says, but it works well.


"I'm not sure there's any other city that is better governed," he says, pointing to the city's economic development, its daycare programs, its teen centers, the new Senior Center in Central Square, its AAA-bond rating and the considerable amount of money the city puts into affordable housing, more than any other city in Massachusetts.

"The system of government has worked and has worked very well," Duehay says. "I don't think there are many arguments [to change the system] I've heard that are very convincing."

Duehay says the burden is on Cantabrigians to push for changes to make their city government better, if necessary.

"It's probably a good idea for people to look at their form of government every once in a while and test it," he says.

Similiarly, Duehay doesn't think the way Cambridge's mayor is elected needs to be changed.

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