Edward B. Colby
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The Man Behind the ‘Jihad’ Speech: Senior Zayed Yasin
By EDWARD B. COLBY CRIMSON STAFF WRITER One week ago today, “Hardball” host Chris Matthews turned his gaze on Hilary
Life at the FAS Prompt
Before my senior year in high school, my family didn’t have a computer—when I needed to type papers I would
Former Extracurricular-Boy Struggles with Free Time
Start with one highly motivated, overachieving Harvard student. Take away The Crimson, add spring of senior year, and chill. In
Mystery Posters Insult Summers
The posters attacking University President Lawrence H. Summers which have appeared around campus the past few days are small and
An Interview With David Halberstam '55
David Halberstam ’55, a former Crimson managing editor, covered the early civil rights movement, the Congo and Vietnam in a
Halberstam on War and Peace
War in a Time of Peace: Bush, Clinton and the Generals is a penetrating look at America’s military and foreign
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.—When I look back on periods of my life, I tend to remember moments, not the neatly told chronological
Editor's Notebook: It's Time to Talk
With the living wage campaign's Massachusetts Hall sit-in heading into its ninth day, neither side seems willing to budge. The
Chasing a Dream: Running Boston as a Bandit
I like to dream big—and then carry out my dreams. Last summer, while careening across France in a spiffy TGV,
More Revolutionary Than You Thought?
In his first book, Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus, Rick Perlstein offers an
This is the Year
The Boston Red Sox played their first regular-season game of 2001 yesterday. And once again, my annual ritual of torment,
CRLS Claims Boys State Basketball Title In Thriller
WORCESTER, Mass.--Patrick Ewing. Rumeal Robinson, and now, Louis Ford. Ford, the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS) superstar, added his
Gore Concedes, Bush Vows Unity
George W. Bush stood before the nation as its president-elect last night, vowing to mend a fractured electorate 36 days
Supreme Court Hears Recount Arguments
After five weeks of legal wrangling, the end is finally near. Lawyers for Vice President Al Gore '69 and Texas
Bush Declares Victory as Gore Challenges Florida Results
A somber George W. Bush assured the nation last night that he had won the U.S. presidential election, mere hours