
A Local Specialty

He was in Cambridge City Government for 37 Years. Why Did Frank Duehay Keep it Local So Long

With Duehay's retirement, the council only has three CCA members--Born, Jim Braude and Davis--making it hard for Born to gather the necessary five votes to get elected mayor. Though Decker has voted for Born so far, she has not yet been able to garner the elusive fifth vote, and Decker's vote is not entirely secure.

A Fond Farewell

Still, Duehay's career was marked by his pragmatic approach--and some funnier moments, too.


His retirement party at MIT's Walker Memorial on Dec. 10 featured much banter and humor.

Recently retired Councillor Russell (a council member from 1985 to 1999), whose concurrent retirement with Duehay's marks the end of an era this year, said that only one time did Duehay "let his hair down."

At a holiday party, Russell said, Duehay was looking "very relaxed." He and a friend gave a rousing rendition of "Marching to Pretoria," finishing with Duehay's "trademark" no-lips whistle.

"That should show you how wild he can get," Russell said wryly.

Rep. Michael E. Capuano (D-Somerville) spoke of Duehay's tenacity.

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