
A Local Specialty

He was in Cambridge City Government for 37 Years. Why Did Frank Duehay Keep it Local So Long

"He found [the council] as a satisfying way of contributing to his community," Wolf says.

For the lifelong Cantabrigian, it seems, Cambridge never got boring.


And considering Cambridge politics, perhaps that fact that Duehay stayed in the "People's Republic" is not all that surprising. Three of this year's city councillors--Marjorie C. Decker, Anthony D. Galluccio and Michael A. Sullivan--are native Cantabs.

Duehay says Congress is the only other elected body he would have liked to have served in.

In 1986, after O'Neill retired, he considered running for Congress, but decided against it once Joseph P. Kennedy announced his candidacy.

"It seemed to me that the outcome was preordained," Duehay says.

Juggling Act

Still, the fact that Duehay didn't stray far from home doesn't mean he didn't have his eye on state and national government and issues.

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